
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Miswaak vsToothbrush (Benefits of Miswaak)

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The use of Miswaak is Sunnah and is part of Islamic culture. Modern scientific research and Western scientists have proved that there is nothing better than Miswaak for a dental cleaning. The American famous Wrigley company investigated Miswaakov and published them in "Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry". According to these investigations, the ability to eliminate bacteria in Miswaak is 20% higher than any other method. Similarly, a researcher from Sweden's Sciences published in "Journal Parodontologie", in which Aqua's fibers were tested in the laboratory. Scientists discovered that the mask of Miswaak ends without bacteria directly and protects dental from many diseases. Similarly, research published in the US National Library of Medicine website states that if Miswaak is used correctly, it is the best source of dental treatment, mouth cleaning, and acne health. Apart from this, many researchers have acknowledged Miswaak's utility. According to research, there are some germs that are not far away from mud brush and paste, but they can be removed from dry moisture. Medical science has proven that Miswaak gets the brain strengthened and stays with the health of the brain. The brain is faster than weakening and can stay tired for long periods. Despite the numerous benefits of Miswaak in the Muslim world, Muslims could not highlight the utility of the globe globally, but the European Union Czech Republic Company Yoni, to Miswaak Raw Toothbrush is offered for sale. The company has released pictures and videos for the promotion of "Roth to Brush", which shows people of all ages and all sex while playing silently. There are many tips to use Miswaak in the neighborhood.
Let's become, As a result, we can proudly say that where Islam teaches spiritual cleansing, its teachings also teach the implications of Muslim bodybuilding. Before the prayer, Miswaak and Wudhu were ordered. This is the dominance of spiritual welfare benefits, therefore, self-determination is given to self-determination. A Muslim prayer cleanses the mouth 15 times a day in Panjgana, indicating that the prayer of a Muslim person is completely clean from inside. Is. The prayer is present in the wake of worshiping the elderly creator in prayer. It is necessary for us to take care of it. It is essential to clean the body. It is necessary to clean the body. If the body is not cleaned, it becomes odorless, there are many other prayers, as well as prayers. It does not affect human heart disease, nor does it affect the prayers of Allah. The contemporary man has backed Islamic teachings on the basis of convenience. Consequently, there are only one million rupees, due to the deadly and complicated diseases, it is doing only on the contrary, even though it is possible to follow the teachings of Islam and get the wealth of free health. Islamist is the one in which Miswaaku has been very important for the sake of dental. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also emphasized the use of usury. Ibn 'Umar (may Allah bless him and peace be upon him) said, "Use Miswaak for yourself." It is a pleasure in the mouth and happiness of Allah Almighty. " In a comprehensive statement, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "If I did not have to eat the hardship of my Ummah, I would definitely order you to kiss every prayer." Abu Dawoud Sharif says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not sleep after sleeping, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also smiled before sleep. " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has adopted all the life, till it was used by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has increased and the pillar is removed." Hazrat Abd al-'Abbas Ibn Abba says, "There are ten qualities in Miswaak." The eyes of the eyes are sharp and bitter, and it is clean. I'm sorry. These are the reasons for Allah's pleasure, the Sunnah and Sunnah, the body's fitness and the substance of the Sunnah. Al-'Abbas ibn Abidin says that the benefit of Maswa K is seventy to Zia, the least advantage is to clean the mouth with the mouth. The highest advantage is that at the time of death, Word or remain According to researchers, 80% of the population is born, due to anxiety and anxiety problems. If you have pepper with a meal or a diet mixture without diet, then it causes pepper and makes the whole body fat and intelligent. The copper is Antiseptic when a human is used to make it dry, it eliminates all the liars inside the mouth. Today the use of brush and paste is the innovation of new civilization. This paste and brush are commonly used as simple, but it is harmful.

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