
Saturday, January 28, 2023

January 28, 2023

Benefits of Rose-water

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The face reflects our emotions and thoughts, so the more transparent the face, the better the colors of life will look on the face. The face is the part of our body that is directly affected by external factors.

Experts argue that the use of natural products to protect the skin has magical effects. An important benefit of these products is that they are beneficial to all skin types and do not have side effects.

These natural ingredients also have a name for the rose tree.

Rosewater is considered to be a rare form of dermatitis. In the newly developed period, dermatologists advise to use them not only for the good appearance of the skin, but also for the prevention of skin diseases. And also helps maintain water content in the lower layers of skin.
The skin is creamy, shiny and beautiful when it comes to washing the face with rose water. It has also been revealed from the fact that the rose water prevents abnormal water extraction from the skin. If so, the rose water prevents sweating.
Rugs are rarely a natural product for skin rejuvenation. Rosewater is the best medicine for alleviating skin diseases. Extremely priced chemical products are used to eliminate wrinkles, itching, and scalp. However, experts prefer the skin rose water in this regard. They suggest that the use of the scalp rose daily to protect the skin from wrinkles and to enhance the color can yield the desired results.

 Women's hand wash dishes usually cause itching and stiffness. The skin of the hands starts to fall off and becomes wounds. If glycerin, limes, and rosemary are rubbed together, massage the skin of the hands and Gentleness returns. Aqueous rhizomes expel the balloon and protect the skin from drying out.
Drinking this nourishment strengthens the heart and the mind.
Relaxing medications are taken to relieve nerve pressure. If a few drops of rosemary mixed with olive and honey, it produces miraculous effects, relieving mental stress.
Drinking rose petals in the water provides strong immunity against diseases and slows down the body.
A transparent, cool and pure rose is a blessing to keep the eyes safe from all diseases. It keeps the eyes clean. Protects against asthma.
Drinking rosemary reduces the severity of bodily diseases. It is best used in gastrointestinal disorders if consumed daily in gastrointestinal disorders. It is very useful for the elimination of toxins in the blood. Which does not cause problems quickly.
Modern research has proven that the ingredients in natural products have magical effects, and thanks to the amazing benefits of rosemary, this natural blessing is popular worldwide.

To relieve headaches in the heat, apply rose water on the forehead. It is also useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Drinking rose water helps relieve constipation. Children and pregnant women can be cured in every disease. It is useful in the urinary tract wound. It is rich in organ organs and protects the heart from malignancy.

Monday, October 17, 2022

October 17, 2022

Is Red Meat Bad for You


Red meat can be shown to be healthy one week and stroke-inducing the next, according to research, so the general public frequently finds it difficult to keep up.

However, a sizable new review that was released on Monday aims to go beyond the most recent study by rating the quality of the information that is currently available on a variety of health-related topics.

To determine the degree to which a specific risk factor, such as smoking, is linked to a health outcome, such as lung cancer, the US-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which has emerged as a global authority on health statistics, examined the body of research in 180 different fields.

Both the link between high blood pressure and heart disease and the link between smoking and lung cancer received the highest five-star ratings, indicating that the evidence is strong and unlikely to change in the future.

However, almost two thirds of the risk-outcome relationships only received one or two stars, indicating that the evidence supporting many pieces of widely accepted medical advice may be weaker than initially believed.

One star was given, indicating that there was "no evidence of an association," for instance, between consuming a lot of unprocessed red meat and having a stroke.

Two stars were assigned to the associations between red meat and colon cancer, breast cancer, ischaemic heart disease, and diabetes.

IHME director Christopher Murray, a senior author on several of the "Burden of Proof" studies that were published in Nature Medicine, expressed his surprise at the numerous diet risk-outcome relationships that are "relatively weak."

The meta-analysis, according to Murray, was motivated by worries that "everyone follows the latest published study" despite the fact that the findings frequently "swing from one end to the other."

The question the researchers asked after reviewing the body of prior research on the topics, Murray said.

The red meat research was "not that surprising," according to Duane Mellor, a dietician at Aston University in the UK, because it concentrated on unprocessed goods.

These papers did not address the fact that consumption of processed red meat, such as bacon and sausages, has typically been linked to a higher risk of disease.

The IHME stated that it intends to update its findings as new research is received in the hopes that the new tool will help the general public and policymakers make decisions.

Findings regarding other health connections, such as those involving alcohol, air pollution, and additional dietary factors, will also be made public soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 16, 2022

Necessary protein to build muscle



Both the correct quantity of protein intake and strength exercises are crucial for muscle growth. Concerns regarding how much protein is required to promote muscle development have been the subject of ongoing study and debate. In this Honest Nutrition article, we go through recent studies examining the function of protein in muscle building and the recommended daily intake. Published on October 11, 2022, by Lindsey DeSoto, RDN, LD Catherine Carver, MPH, has reviewed the facts. The science underlying some of the most contentious nutrition-related issues is examined in-depth in this series of Special Features, which weighs in on the realities and dispels the misconceptions.

Every cell and bodily tissue has protein. Protein, despite playing many important roles in the body, is essential for muscle growth because it aids in the maintenance and repair of muscle tissue. 0.8 grams (g) of protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight is the current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for minimally active individuals to prevent malnutrition. A newer study, however, indicates that people looking to gain muscle require more than this. Muscle mass loss has been linked to eating less protein than the body requires. However, when combined with resistance training, higher protein consumption than the RDA may help enhance strength and lean body mass. Why is a protein crucial for developing muscle? Amino acids, which make up protein, are used by the body as the building blocks for cells and tissues. Proteins are made up of 20 amino acids in total. Others cannot be synthesized by the human body, while some can. The term "essential amino acids" refers to the nine amino acids that the body cannot produce. These have to come from food. When a person eats protein, it is broken down into amino acids during digestion. Amino acids are used by the body for a variety of bodily functions, such as energy production, immune system function, and tissue growth and repair.

Muscle proteins are continually destroyed and rebuilt, just like other body tissues. A person needs to consume more protein than is broken down in order to gain muscle. Given that protein contains a lot of nitrogen, this is frequently referred to as a net positive nitrogen balance. In order to obtain the amino acids required to support bodily functions and preserve more crucial tissues, the body tends to break down muscle when a person does not consume enough protein.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 27, 2022

Using Food As Medicine

Food has long been the foundation for good health in many different cultures, even if the concept is still relatively new to the Western world. In contrast to conventional medicine, the significance of nutrition and food in illness prevention and management has been contested. This Honest Nutrition article discusses the advantages and restrictions of using food as medication in healthcare.

Healthcare professionals throughout the world are aware of how eating may affect a person's health. A person's immune system is more likely to be robust, pregnancy and delivery are safer, they have a decreased chance of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and they live longer.

The causes of this are numerous, complicated, and yet little understood. A diet high in added sweets, saturated and trans fats, and too much salt has been linked to chronic inflammation, according to some studies. Trusted Source – a risk factor for the onset of chronic illnesses including type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal health issues, and heart disease.

A diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy, and plant-based or lean animal protein, as well as other dietary and lifestyle recommendations, have recently been made by the American Heart AssociationTrusted Source to promote cardiovascular health.

 According to experts, this diet promotes excellent health since it has the ability to lower negative cardiovascular disease risk factors like inflammation, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and poor sleep.

 Food as medicine Understanding that diet and nutrition play important roles in the management and prevention of disease is the underlying idea behind Trusted Source.

The emphasis is on consuming more whole, minimally processed plant-based meals and consuming fewer highly processed foods that are heavy in added sugar, oil, and salt.

Chronic illness development continues to be complicated, and it may be linked to factors other than nutrition, such as genetic susceptibilityTrusted Source, exposure to chemicals in the environmentTrusted Source, or autoimmuneTrusted Source disorders.

 Therefore, "food as medicine" should not be used as a stand-alone treatment, but rather in conjunction with proper medical care. "Food as medicine" may improve illness management by reducing symptoms and decreasing disease development in specific disorders.

 Functional foods are foods that proponents believe have medical capabilities, frequently because they are said to contain high quantities of a certain micronutrient or biomolecule.

Although the idea of "food as medicine" is still relatively new to the Western world, many other societies have long understood the connection between nutrition and health. 

Lean protein, low-fat dairy, and a variety of nutritious diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as dairy products may lower the risk of developing chronic illnesses including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Food as medicine should be used in conjunction with the right medical care because it is not a universal cure.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020

How to Get Healthy Lifestyle


When it comes to what your body needs some times people seem to over complicate it. But I can tell you now it's simple. And the steps I’m going to give you is something I stick to every day and you will notice its more than just eating.

(also read about Top 5 Best Fruits for Health)

1. eating fresh foods and whole foods- as natural a possible, foods that can in-fact go off not canned goods. I always say we supposed to eat as if we farmed our own food (fresh and real)

2. You need nature, atlas 30-45 mins a day - Get out in nature and take in the sunlight and breath in the air and listen to the birds.

3. Quite a time- this is very important - get away from the clutter like Social media and TV and just be with yourself and try to clear your mind. You will find your stress levels will go down.

4. Move every day for at least 30 minutes - go to the gym or a walk or do some Yoga, just get your body moving, this helps get the blood flow going and actually heals and keeps your body fit young and healthy.

5. Drink water- atlas 2 Lt a day, after all, we are basically made up of mostly water.

6. Take time for your loved ones- one thing we need as humans are affection and interaction.

You can combine a few of these into your daily routine you will find a big change slowly happening in your daily

August 19, 2020

Rapid Weight loss


      Wanting a slimmer body is not any lofty ambition. many of us have succeeded in sculpting

their physiques to form them look healthy and desirable. However, this end isn't attained in only

a snap or skipping one night's dinner. for a few people though, patience isn't a virtue. They seem

not to be ready to afford such a lot of attention, time, and money to urge the body they need always

wanted. As a result, these people result in rapid weight loss practices and programs that can

not be as effective as these people are led to believe they're. Fast-track diets are one among these rapid 

weight loss practices which can not be very inviting as they seem consistent with research. Fast-track 

diet programs, as research project shows, are only good while they last.  The person that low-calorie 

diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because citizenry cannot actually survive with 

this sort of diet scheme for the remainder of their lives.

Now there's also research project showing that rapid weight loss doesn't imply a private is

losing unwanted excess fat; it's common water that's lost with following rapid weight loss

practices. this might cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there

is actually zero net weight loss in any case. So one shouldn't be foolish enough to be so gullible with

the advertising of certain diet pills out there within the market; especially those which claim to assist lose a whopping amount of fat during a short time. they're going to only dehydrate the body. And with great care it's clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one might be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it's just two.

Another rapid weight loss product call at the market is that the slimming soap. Claiming that these

soaps are made up of a singular concoction of rare Chinese herbs and seaweed, they say to assist

people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a shower.

Some are even specialized like those which promise to offer the user "beautiful thighs". The

ingredients may convince to improve the standard of the skin but no research has ever come up yet

which aids to improve the efficacy of those ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.

One more rapid weight loss product out there within the market promises to suppress hunger and at

At the same time helps increase the body's rate. It also claims to be ready to accelerate the

healing process and reduce certain body pains, of these pluses it's being a really chic fashion accent.

Well, they're actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August 18, 2020

The Actual meaning of Health

 Health doesn’t need to be complicated or a lot of effort. You do not have to be in the gym twice a day or eat only lettuce. Healthy means you have a balanced lifestyle and provide your body what it needs when it needs it like when your petrol light comes on you full up your tank with the good fuels to make sure your car runs for longer. Living healthy soon becomes a way of life for you and you stop noticing that you are intact eating healthy, once you get to this stage you have learned to listen to your body and this is important actually very important. With the modern stresses, we have lately with everything that must happen now we putting more and more stress on our bodies and minds and eventually we take on more bad habits as coping mechanisms instead of learning to cope and channel that into something good. My body never stays the same trust me, it changes constantly

All of our bodies do, think about the factory inside of course it's going to change we just need to learn how to listen to our bodies. For instance, listing to your body when it tells you it's full, the body has a hormone called Leptin they great thing about this hormone is that it tells you when you full and to stop eating but in this day and age we have stopped listening to it and in time it stops working as effectively as it should.

How does that happen? well, we tend to eat to fast for the message to get send that we are in-fact full so we continue eating and actually end up ver eating or way past the portion we supposed to eat. We don’t concentrate on what we eat and how many times we chew maybe you eating in front of the TV or busy talking to someone or driving. One thing I do to combat this is actively enjoying my food by that I mean I put down my knife and fork in between bites and concentrate on what I am eating. When you start doing this you will find that you get fuller quicker and you’ll end up eating less or at least the portion you supposed to. You will become more aware and start listening to your body.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

August 16, 2020

How to Control Baldness, Eat the Right Foods

How to Control Baldness, Eat the Right Foods 

People with a tendency to lose hair should thus take a well balanced and correct diet, made

up of foods which in combination should supply all the necessary nutrients. It has been found

that a diet which consists of liberal quantities of

(i) seeds, nuts, and grains,

(ii) vegetables and

(iii) fruits

would provide adequate amounts of the essential nutrients.

Every food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal meals. These foods

should, however, be supplemented with few special foods such as milk, vegetable oils,

honey, wheat germ, yeast, and liver.

August 16, 2020

Side Effects of Overeating

Side Effects of Overeating

Avoid overeating. Fundamental teaching is that the common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the stomach which results from overeating. The disease can be healed by only one remedy by doing just the opposite of what causes it, that is, by reducing the food intake or fasting. The majority of persons eat too much and follow sedentary occupations that do not permit proper exercise for the utilization of this large quantity of food. This surplus overburdens the digestive and assimilative organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional activity of the system gets deranged.

The onset of the disease is merely the process of ridding the system of these impurities. By depriving the stomach of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs are given the opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload accumulated waste from the system. Therefore fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective method of cure.

August 16, 2020

Is activity is the same as exercise?


 Is activity is  the same as exercise?

Are you active? Do you exercise? Exercise is best for health to mere activity. While both

activity and exercise are very important as they are involved in vital physical movement, they vary in

degree and benefits. Both activity and exercise employ the body involuntary movement.

The activity uses the body to a limited degree and generally to achieve a specific purpose. Exercise

employs the body over the wide possible range of movement for the particular purpose of

maintaining muscle tone and control with maximum joint flexibility. The activity requires

less physical effort and often less conscious effort once the routine has been made.

Exercise needs considerable physical effort and is  mental

concentration is simultaneously employed.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22, 2019

Benefits of Pumpkin

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The incidence of new diseases in today's age is a sign that our diets are not balanced or that we do not know the balanced nutrients due to our low knowledge of what a balanced diet is. Useful and nutritious so that we can maintain our health by eating them. In such vegetables, which have many medical benefits, pumpkin is also counted.

We can call a pumpkin an invaluable gift of power.

Available in large quantities in the market, it is rich in numerous properties and is the masterpiece of nature's seal makers. It not only fulfills the nutritional requirements but also relieves many diseases.
There are several types of nutrient-rich vegetables, three of which are easily available in the market, such as halwa pumpkin, ghee pumpkin, and round pumpkin.

Types of pumpkins
Pumpkin is a simple vegetable, whose color is green on the outside and white on the inside. It has a strong taste and pale taste. Pumpkin is cooked with various pulses and meat and often simple. There are five types: halved, round pumpkin, ghee pumpkin, red pumpkin, and white bitter pumpkin, but their benefits are less uniform.
The recipe for this summer vegetable is also very tasty. The halwa does not require any introduction, but one must be careful when buying a pumpkin that it is slightly white, fresh and lionish. I have not been born fibers, nor too big or too small in size. Pumpkin and mineral salts that make meat in pumpkin are abundant.
That is why it is a very powerful vegetable.
Nutrients of pumpkin
Many useful ingredients are found in pumpkins. They are also found in calcium, potassium, and steel. Besides, vitamins A and B (vitamins A and B) are also present. Pumpkin moisture is 194%, protein (20). Percentage, fat 15%, mineral components 50%, fiber 60% and starch (carbohydrate) are found in 52%.

100 grams of pumpkin contains 12 calories. Besides, 20 grams of calcium, 10 mg of phosphorus, 70 grams of steel and vitamin B compound (Vitamin B Complex) are also found. Feeding a pumpkin with skincare provides the body with a one-time essential supplement.
Medical benefits of pumpkin
In addition to meeting the nutritional needs of pumpkins, there is a cure for many diseases.
It quenches thirst. Eliminates liver heat, and anxiety. Its food relieves nervousness and panic. It is very useful for patients. It is a beneficial diet. Pumpkin produces good blood. It provides energy to the penis. There is no better diet for tuberculosis.
Research has shown that people who eat it three to four days a week have a strong immune system in their body that is immune to tuberculosis.
Harmful to cold and harmful to people, their food is harmful to the gastrointestinal and intestines. Its oil is also extracted, known as Jorughan pumpkin. This oil is used to relieve the dryness of the brain and sleep. There is also the Hour.

The complaint of heat fever is frequent. In the heat, there is a fever and there is no sleep.
Often people complain of inflammation in the hands and feet. In this case, boiling the pumpkin and cooling it with some sugar or sugar or feeding the patient or making noises of them will relieve the complaints and make the patient very susceptible. Benefit.

Headache and migraine
To relieve headaches, apply fresh pumpkin powder on the forehead with the desired effect.
The headache will disappear in a short time. Drinking pumpkin water into the nose to relieve headache, ie half of headache relaxes. Nature has also made a big impact on pumpkin water.

Kidney pain
Kidney pain relieves pain by placing the pumpkin in a place of pain. Eating pumpkin increases appetite and also increases weight. Applying water to coughs helps to relieve acne. ۔

Hair Fall
Pumpkin seed oil prevents hair from falling. It also enhances hair and makes them stronger.

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19, 2019

Disadvantages of Sitting Long

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The increasing use of digital technology has increased people's seating time. Today, humans do not even know how much time they spend sitting throughout the day. Most of the desk workers spend 10 hours a day sitting, which leaves them no time for physical activity.
Lack of physical activity affects a person's physical well-being, as well as his health. However, the loss of time spent sitting down not only results in a lack of physical activity but also causes various health problems. Experts consider spending too much time at risk as high as the consumption of sugar and cigarettes.
If you spend most of your day sitting down, it is important to be aware of these issues.

So if you are doing a job that lasts a long time, you need to get up and walk a few steps every half an hour. Your head warmth improves heart health and other risks will reduce Harmful to heart health
Two groups of scientists, including a group of drivers (who sit all the time), while surveys on a group of other conductors and security guards reveal that people spend more time sitting. They have a higher rate of heart disease than other groups despite their different lifestyles and diet routines.
Researchers say sitting down can have a detrimental effect on anxiety and fat digestion, which increases the risk of heart disease.
Causes pain in the waist and bones
Sitting style causes pressure on your files, neck, and spine, which is extremely dangerous to your health. Choose a chair for work whose height and texture will help you maximize it. Be more comfortable.
However, still, be careful about walking and body movement. According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, those who spend 9 to 10 hours or more are at higher risk of back pain. Has suggested that standing at least 2 hours a day can prevent back pain.
Weight gain
Watching TV more often, spending time on the computer also causes you to gain weight.
Then no matter how much exercise you do, sitting down for a long time will make it difficult for you to lose weight. If you exercise, it is a great activity but does not allow the benefits of this activity to last longer. In addition to exercise, keeping the body moving at other times of the day also helps keep humans healthy by using blood glucose.

Increased risk of death
Yes, prolonged sitting also increases the risk of death. Research by the well-known University of the United States on long-term seizures shows nearly 8,000 people over the age of 40. The results showed that people Hours are sitting in one place and not even shaking, in which the risk of death is two times higher than others.
Researchers concluded that sitting 9 to 10 hours a day causes blood artery problems, which increases the risk of death.
Sugar levels rise
As a result of sitting down for the most part of the day, the low-calorie intake is eliminated, which is why specialists associate the habit of spending too much time sitting with insulin, an important hormone in the body.
Insulin is a hormone that helps your cells provide glucose to energy and when the human body does not produce insulin, the disease is called diabetes. Experts say that every hour spent sitting. Diabetes increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 22%.
Insanity and depression
Sitting longer can also affect a person's mental health.
It can also lead to depression or anxiety because people who spend too much time sitting away from healthy and mood-altering X-rays do not have it. No, these people are exposed to sunlight and stress in social relationships. All these problems can cause human illness like loneliness and depression.
The cause of cancer
Longer sitting increases the risk of cancer types that are related to your weight or metabolic function.
They include breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cervical cancer. On the other hand, experts say that the risk of breast cancer in older women is twice as high compared to those women. That doesn't sit too long.
Increasing the chances of dementia
According to a report, every 3 seconds worldwide, one dementia patient is on the rise.
One of the reasons for this increase is also prolonged sitting. According to experts, sitting too late increases the risk of mental illness in people with dementia. All of these conditions are associated with increasing the chances of the disease.

Friday, August 9, 2019

August 09, 2019

5 easy methods of weight loss

5 easy methods of weight loss

No.1 Lemon
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Everyone know that lemon is full of vitamins that are good for our health according to expert lemon water is also one of the best objects to lose weight. Lemons improve the work of Gaston and restore our mineral. So don’t forget to keep drinking lemon water.

No.2 Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar consists of essential elements that can have a beneficial effect on your nervous and digestive systems they also stimulate metabolic processes and suppress appetite.  Fix one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it once a day 30 minutes before the meal. Never drink apple cider vinegar after eating.

No.3 GreenTea

Green tea is used to improve digestion as well as to stabilize blood sugar. It protects you to protect you against numerous diseases included cancer and diabetes. This magical drink will help you keep a slim physique. The condition in green tea burn fat by freeing it from fat cells drink three to five cups of green tea daily to refresh

No.4 Exercise

 Exercise is also the best way to weight loss. For this running or walking the most powerful and best method to weight loss. My weight was 90kg. I started running regularly and got a quick result. After one month my weight was 83kg. Run and run as you can.

No.5 Diet

Try to leave fast food, sugar, and salt from your diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They will improve your body to burn more calories. Take food 2 times rather than 3.
6 drink water.
Drinking water is good for our health and skin. It maintains the balance of body fluid. Also, it is a good thing to weight loss. It is observed that drinking water is the best tool for weight loss very fast. It is good if you drink water before taking food. Never drink water after a meal. We should drink 10 glass of water a day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019

Miswaak vsToothbrush (Benefits of Miswaak)

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The use of Miswaak is Sunnah and is part of Islamic culture. Modern scientific research and Western scientists have proved that there is nothing better than Miswaak for a dental cleaning. The American famous Wrigley company investigated Miswaakov and published them in "Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry". According to these investigations, the ability to eliminate bacteria in Miswaak is 20% higher than any other method. Similarly, a researcher from Sweden's Sciences published in "Journal Parodontologie", in which Aqua's fibers were tested in the laboratory. Scientists discovered that the mask of Miswaak ends without bacteria directly and protects dental from many diseases. Similarly, research published in the US National Library of Medicine website states that if Miswaak is used correctly, it is the best source of dental treatment, mouth cleaning, and acne health. Apart from this, many researchers have acknowledged Miswaak's utility. According to research, there are some germs that are not far away from mud brush and paste, but they can be removed from dry moisture. Medical science has proven that Miswaak gets the brain strengthened and stays with the health of the brain. The brain is faster than weakening and can stay tired for long periods. Despite the numerous benefits of Miswaak in the Muslim world, Muslims could not highlight the utility of the globe globally, but the European Union Czech Republic Company Yoni, to Miswaak Raw Toothbrush is offered for sale. The company has released pictures and videos for the promotion of "Roth to Brush", which shows people of all ages and all sex while playing silently. There are many tips to use Miswaak in the neighborhood.
Let's become, As a result, we can proudly say that where Islam teaches spiritual cleansing, its teachings also teach the implications of Muslim bodybuilding. Before the prayer, Miswaak and Wudhu were ordered. This is the dominance of spiritual welfare benefits, therefore, self-determination is given to self-determination. A Muslim prayer cleanses the mouth 15 times a day in Panjgana, indicating that the prayer of a Muslim person is completely clean from inside. Is. The prayer is present in the wake of worshiping the elderly creator in prayer. It is necessary for us to take care of it. It is essential to clean the body. It is necessary to clean the body. If the body is not cleaned, it becomes odorless, there are many other prayers, as well as prayers. It does not affect human heart disease, nor does it affect the prayers of Allah. The contemporary man has backed Islamic teachings on the basis of convenience. Consequently, there are only one million rupees, due to the deadly and complicated diseases, it is doing only on the contrary, even though it is possible to follow the teachings of Islam and get the wealth of free health. Islamist is the one in which Miswaaku has been very important for the sake of dental. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also emphasized the use of usury. Ibn 'Umar (may Allah bless him and peace be upon him) said, "Use Miswaak for yourself." It is a pleasure in the mouth and happiness of Allah Almighty. " In a comprehensive statement, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "If I did not have to eat the hardship of my Ummah, I would definitely order you to kiss every prayer." Abu Dawoud Sharif says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not sleep after sleeping, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also smiled before sleep. " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has adopted all the life, till it was used by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has increased and the pillar is removed." Hazrat Abd al-'Abbas Ibn Abba says, "There are ten qualities in Miswaak." The eyes of the eyes are sharp and bitter, and it is clean. I'm sorry. These are the reasons for Allah's pleasure, the Sunnah and Sunnah, the body's fitness and the substance of the Sunnah. Al-'Abbas ibn Abidin says that the benefit of Maswa K is seventy to Zia, the least advantage is to clean the mouth with the mouth. The highest advantage is that at the time of death, Word or remain According to researchers, 80% of the population is born, due to anxiety and anxiety problems. If you have pepper with a meal or a diet mixture without diet, then it causes pepper and makes the whole body fat and intelligent. The copper is Antiseptic when a human is used to make it dry, it eliminates all the liars inside the mouth. Today the use of brush and paste is the innovation of new civilization. This paste and brush are commonly used as simple, but it is harmful.

Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019

How to make Egg Jalferazi Recipe

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How to make Egg Jalferazi Recipe

You need:
·     Eggs 4 (boiled)
·     Capsicum 2 (cubed)
·     Onion 2
·     Cloves 8
·     Tomato Ketchup 1 cup
·     Oil ½ cup
·     Ginger garlic paste 1 tablespoon
·     Crushed red chili 1 tablespoon
·     Roasted & Crushed white cumin 1 tablespoon
·     Chili sauce 2 tablespoon
·     Salt to taste
Heat ½ cup oil in a pan and slightly sauté 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste.
Now add 1 cup tomato ketchup, 2 tablespoons, chili sauce, to taste salt, 1 tablespoon roasted & crushed cumin and 1 tablespoon crushed red chili and slightly saute the mixture.
Now in another pan heat some oil and stir fry 2 cubed capsicums and 2 onions, add them to the mixture.
Now peel off boiled eggs, put 2 cloves on each egg (one on each side) and fry them in some oil in a frying pan.
Now in a serving tray, dish out the jalfrezi mixture. Cut eggs into two halves and place them in the serving tray over the jalfrezi mixture.  Add chili sauce over it.

Serve hot with white rice.
March 15, 2019



Allah says in the Holy Quran:
“I Swear By the Fig and the Olive”
The Fig is a soft sweet pear-shaped and with many seeds, which grows on a tree related to the mulberry species, available in various colors. The Fig plant is one of the five plants described in the Qur’an, the others being grapes, olives, pomegranate, and dates. It is described in the Quran of a Fig tree in the Garden of Heaven, Fig is described in the Ayah 1 of Surah 95, which confirmed the medicinal values and advantages of this fruit.
Hadith provides us an event related to the Fig. According to Abu Darda, the companion of Rasoolullah(S) someone presented Figs to Rasoolullah (S) and he in turned distributed it amongst his companions. He gave its resemblance to the fruit of Heaven, where all fruits will be seedless. He further related its value:
“Eat it as it cures various diseases among which are Piles, Gout, and Arthritis”.
According to Ibn-e-Sirin, the celebrated scholar of the occult sciences, “Figs, if seen in dreams, denote wealth and prosperity.”
A number of benefits of Figs described here is an indication of the compassion Allah feels for human beings. Medicinal benefits a few are as follows:
Figs are rich sources of magnesium as well as potassium.
It is high in vitamins A, B, and C and low in calories, about 50 calories each.
Abi Abdillah Imam Jafar Assadiq advised the eating of Figs as a remover of the bad smell of the mouth.
According to the California Fig Advisory Board, it is accepted that the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect against a number of diseases.
In a study done by the University of Scranton, it was determined that dried figs had a higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich in antioxidants, than other fruits. Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill micro-organisms. The level of phenol in figs is much than that in other fruits and vegetables.
It is an ideal food for losing weight.
Figs are also taken as medicine which gives strength and energy to long-term patients as they seek to recover.
Figs remove physical and mental difficulties and give the body strength and energy.
Figs are also used in the treatment of asthma, coughs, and chills.
It benefits the nervous system by its phosphorous content.
It is recommended for athletes and children.
It also cures the obese, asthma, and diabetic patients.
Al-Shaikh al-Raess, Bu Ali Ibn-e-Sina, known in the west as Avicenna, recommended Fig for the treatment of constipation, liver problems, urinary problems, heartburns, chest pains, piles, and epilepsy.
It is recommended that five pieces of figs be taken for at least four to ten months regularly, early in the morning, which completely removes piles.
It benefits the pregnant and nursing women helps in reducing acidity, rheumatism and helps the brain.
Its ashes, when taken with oil, treat pimples, skin pigmentation and whiten teeth.
For treating wounds it is used in a preparation made with milk.
Fig fruit is used widely for the treatment of major diseases like cancer and paralysis. Dr. Kochi (Japan), who specializes in using Figs for its medical value, has treated some twenty kinds of cancer from it. With a little or no side effects and high success rate, it is becoming the preferred way to treat cancer. It is a truly blessed fruit, beneficial to humanity.
The fruit contains a proteolysis enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion and is used by the pharmaceutical industry.
Due to its high alkalinity, it has been described as being beneficial to people who wish to quit smoking.
It can dissolve and expel the kidney and urinary bladder stones. For patients suffering with kidney failure, and who are recommended for kidney transplantation and dialyzes, if Figs are used as a full diet, then Inshallah by the order of Allah the non-healthy organs are rejuvenated and restored to its normal condition. .
It is a nourishing tonic and provides protection against the effects of toxins.
It is also useful in pharyngitis, chest congestion heaviness, and bronchitis.
It is useful for liver and spleen ailments.
It is a good expectorant.
If it is chewed, the patient feels relief from the dryness of mouth during fever, It clears the obstruction of the liver and gall-bladder and relieves inflammations of the kidney and urinary bladder.
It clears intestinal obstructions.
It acts as a carminative and expels the gases from the intestines.
It is useful for mental weakness if it is taken regularly
Syrup made from Methi seeds, Figs and Honey is very effective in cough and Bronchial Asthma.
Bake dry Figs till it is roasted properly, crush it and make a powder for dental ailments, it removes the different stains. Similarly, this powder is also used for spots on the face and skin.
It is useful for the patients of Diabetes mellitus.
Figs and the Fig syrup, benzaldehyde, have helped to shrink tumors, according to Japanese tests.
Also, a laxative, anti-ulcer, and has antibacterial powers.
It contains the digestive enzymes for all the three components of the diet that is proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats.
Try to pick the fruit daily and either use it or preserve it the same day to ensure the best quality and flavor. There are about hundreds of figs varieties. Although considered a fruit, the fig is actually a flower that is inverted into it. Fig, round in shape, on ripening becomes soft and drop down, and are collected, compressed and preserved by dipping it in common salt solution and fumigation of sulphur. This compressed fruit on drying looks like a big tablet with a hole in the center and is being used for the purpose of medicine in Tib-al-Nabawi”.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12, 2019

How to Make Sandwiches Quick and Easy

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You need:

·       1 Tomatoes 
·       1 Boiled egg 
·       2 Green chilies 
·       4 Bread slices
·        few Mint leaves 
·       4 tablespoons of Mayonnaise to taste Salt
·     Slice away the corners of the bread.
·     Chop boiled eggs, green chilies and then mint finely.
·     Add it to mayonnaise and mix. 
·     Layout the mayonnaise mixture on the bread slice and top it with chopped tomatoes.
Make portions of bread slice to eat.